The Red Zymurgist 
Brew the Best Beer you ever drank!


Your First Batch

Brewing From Extract

1. Heat proper amount of filtered water to 155, add steeping grains (if any) in grain bag, steep for 20 minutes, remove grain bag.

2. Add extract (you now have “wort”), bring to boil, uncovered. Watch for boilovers as it nears boiling!

3. Once boiling, set timer and add hops per the schedule in recipe

a. While boiling, hydrate dry yeast

4. Boil for the time stated in recipe, cover and chill. Everything that the wort touches after this point needs to be sanitized.

5. Once cooled to appropriate yeast pitching temp, transfer into sanitized fermentor.

6.  Top up to five gallons with filtered water (if doing less than a full batch boil).

7. Pitch yeast, cover, place fermentor in temperature appropriate zone for two weeks.


1. Clean and sanitize appropriate number of bottles and caps

2. Boil proper amount of corn sugar or DME in 2 cups of water

3. Cool, add to sanitized bottling bucket (or to fermentor if bottling directly)

4. Transfer beer from container to bottle using sanitized bottling wand or clamp on sanitized tubing.

5. Cap

6. Label, if desired

7. Place bottles in 70 ° F (21° C) area for two weeks

8. Chill bottles, drink